Thursday, January 29, 2009

Descriptive Paragraph


 draws a picture of an object

 uses facts and senses to support the point

 captures a person, a place, an emotion (or experience)—in words so others can imagine it or see it in their mind’s eyes

 a good description allows the reader to be a part of your world, to clearly imagine the scene, to feel the sensations, the smells and the tastes of the subject you are writing about


 to please

 to inform

 to promote a dominant impression

 to support the other methods of paragraph development or

 to reinforce the main points


1. Objective – uses factual information about the qualities of the subject answering the questions: who, what, when, where, and why

2. Subjective – uses statements about the writer’s impression of the subject in language which appeals to the senses of touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell; affected by emotions or opinions about the subject


 Space order (Spatial) – uses transitions that indicate space and follow a logical progression such as beginning from a particular point of view: top to bottom, nearest to farthest, left to right, inside going outside, etc…

(descriptive paragraph - person)

(descriptive paragraph - place)

(description of a house)

(descriptive paragraph - experience)