Monday, November 24, 2008

Prewriting Activities - Generating Topics

Writing is a task most students do not want to accomplish. Students are sometimes faced with difficulties especially when asked to choose their own topics. To solve this problem, there are things which a writer can do to choose a possible topic.

1. Freewriting - writing without stopping for 10 minutes. There is no need to worry about spelling, punctuations or grammar rules. The idea is to write as freely as possible. After ten minutes, you stop. Read what you have written and from there find out a possible topic for discussion. click to see a sample of freewriting

2. Listing - just list down anything you know about the topic.

3. Brainstorming - is an spontaneous sharing of ideas. This can be done alone or in group. Ideas can be either in words, phrases or fragments.

4. Clustering - is a visual representation of ideas which are closely related or connected.


ARCELYN said...

...gud evening ma'am...
i can't public my work..there is a problem in html code. what shall i do?